• Research the Gila Monster. A few fun facts: nobody has observed one hatch or nest in the wild; man is its only serious enemy; it lives 20-30 years; its bite, although it makes one seriously ill, has no long-term effects;  its habitat is disappearing rapidly with development; NO TWO LOOK ALIKE!
  • Research the macaw (it can live to be 80 years old!). Discuss the colorful markings.


  • Baylor, Byrd
    1976, And It Is Still That Way, Legends Told by Arizona Indian Children, Trails West Publishing, Santa Fe, NM.
  • Bierhorst, John
    1988, A Cry From the Earth, Music of the North American Indians, Ancient City Press, Santa Fe, NM.
  •  Brown, David E. And Neil B. Carmony
    Gila Monster, Facts and Folklore of America's Aztec Lizard, High Lonesome Books, Silver City, NM.
  • Caduto, Michael and Joseph Bruchac
    1991, Native American Stories, Fulcrum, Inc., Golden, CO.
    1992, Native American Animal Stories, Fulcrum, Inc., Golden, CO.
  • Hillerman, Tony
    1986, The Boy Who Made Dragonfly, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM.
  • Marriott, Alice
    1996, Indians of the Four Corners, The Anasazi and their Pueblo Descendants, Ancient City Press, Santa Fe, NM.
    1996, The Magic Hummingbird, A Hopi Folktale, Kiva Publishing, Santa Fe, NM.
  • Shaw, Anna Moore
  • 1995, Pima Indian LegendsUniversity of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ. (legends of the probable descendants of the Hohokam)