Moon Phases
Copy the Moon Phases for everyone or project it. Discuss reasons for moon phases.
Make a moon phase chart for the year (months across top, days along the side of the grid). Completed charts in poster form are available from Celestial Products, P.O. Box 801, Middleburg, VA 20118.
Look at a current calendar and observe the moon phases. Discuss.
Determine what phase the moon was in when you were born (search the Internet).
Barter System
Assign roles to students to simulate a bartering situation. A scenario might be "Your mother is ill and needs osha root, only available in the mountains, to get well. Another person has osha root and needs dried corn to store for the winter. Another is a farmer and needs seeds and a hoe. Another is a potter and needs clay found only in the mountains, etc." Have them trade with cards made up to represent the trade items. How would the Indians communicate? Make up sign language. Common desk items could be bartered, i.e., pencils for erasers, rulers, etc.