Make a Travois 

Make a travois similar to the one Long Legs made (basically described in the story). What kinds of things could one carry on it? Discuss how dogs probably carried camp supplies on small travois for thousands of years. Larger travois were not used until horses were introduced in the New World by the Spanish.

Do the Word Search Game

Topography Lesson

Glue together layers of styrofoam insulation to make a 12-inch square. With knife and rasp, shape a hill with a "ridge" gradually extending down one side, making the other side of the hill fairly steep. With a large felt-tip pen, draw circular elevation lines around the hill and ridge, an inch or so apart. Students look straight down on the topographic model and note the lines. Then they draw what they see on a piece of paper. Compare to a 7.5' topographic map of a familiar area, available at engineering stores.